Do You Hear What I Hear?
I have been very perplexed at some of the religious leaders who appear to have given up hope.
Continue reading →I have been very perplexed at some of the religious leaders who appear to have given up hope.
Continue reading →As I was meditating upon The LORD, I saw the most beautiful color: the color purple.
Continue reading →2020 has been challenging. Due to unanticipated circumstances the Church was not able to gather and fellowship as usual.
Continue reading →⭐️ 💗 On the eve that the globe traditionally celebrates the birth of Jesus I want you my friends to know that you matter.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “My Grace shall be upon your life like never before. My Power and Ability to meet every one of your inabilities.”
Continue reading →At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more, the enemy will flee, the winter season you have found yourself in will meet its death.
Continue reading →We take dominion and power over all the rulers, principalities and darkness in the high places in this hour!
Continue reading →It’s only when the storm rages that you know what your house has been built upon.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “This is a day of seeking. This is a day that I AM nearer than you know.”
Continue reading →Many people are having trouble with TIMING. I hear this. They are trying to speed things up and hurry The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Listen, My Child. Turn your ears and eyes to the Heavens above. Hear the Sound of Heaven.”
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