A Prayer Against Pride, Ego, Vanity, Frustration, Impatience
The LORD says, “Pray that the veil of apathy, complacency and somnolence will be removed over the land and over My Church.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Pray that the veil of apathy, complacency and somnolence will be removed over the land and over My Church.”
Continue reading →For those who have ears to ear and eyes to see. In other words, ‘Read between the lines’ by The Spirit of Godl
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Do not be anxious about the emptiness you feel, the emptiness you see.”
Continue reading →The Seekers, the ‘Ramping Up’ and the Dawn of a New Day! This is a time of the Great Revealing!
Continue reading →The LORD says to America: “My Great Awakening shall come on the heels of great upheavals!”
Continue reading →“You have weathered sudden, unexpected storms that have come upon you, but now you will receive sudden, unexpected blessings!”
Continue reading →God has been giving you the tongue of the learned, for The Spirit of Prophecy is the Testimony of Jesus Christ.
Continue reading →The LORD talked about many with inner struggles from not being able to go back into The House of God for Worship and Praise.
Continue reading →This is what The LORD put on my heart this morning, the part of Isaiah that many Rabbis would ignore teaching on Isaiah 53:1-12
Continue reading →“Focus on your blessings and the things that you have been given by Me rather than the things you do not have,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →There is a big difference in walking in The Power of The Holy Spirit in this realm and The Glory of God realm.
Continue reading →In this episode of Spirit Connection, I want to encourage you and help you see what God is doing through this whole process!
Continue reading →“I multiply, not divide. I AM your healer, not the one who sickens you. I AM with you to give you good success, not failure,” says The LORD.
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