Yes! War With Your Words!
Jesus has made a Way for you, Beloved of God. He has opened the Door to your future and your promises.
Continue reading →Jesus has made a Way for you, Beloved of God. He has opened the Door to your future and your promises.
Continue reading →Understanding and applying spiritual things with our spirit is beyond human comprehension.
Continue reading →The Glory Fire of both Glory and Devastation is permeating the atmosphere above us within our reach.
Continue reading →Jesus is pure, strong, mighty, and can change your heart and your mind. He can change your situation.
Continue reading →It is my prayer for each one reading this that you will experience a meaningful inner-awakening with the Holy Spirit in 2021.
Continue reading →“Beloved, you are already here, seated with Me. There is no Higher Place than the Secret Place. REST in My Finished Work.”
Continue reading →In spite of all the troubles we have seen and experienced this year, we have to thank GOD faithfully and genuinely for His Goodness.
Continue reading →The time is at hand for greater Faith. Man is not capable in understanding all the ways of God.
Continue reading →We are in trouble. We face the beginning of a new year; one that we have no idea of what to expect or what is coming.
Continue reading →“You are not an “oops”, or the product of someone else’s making, but a special creation,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →What I am hearing about the hard times that America is experiencing right now; is there is coming forth a New Birth or Beginning.
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