God Makes No Mistakes!
Many times we have information and knowledge that edifies no one, but can hurt others.
Continue reading →Many times we have information and knowledge that edifies no one, but can hurt others.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I cannot and will not change My Word to align with those who want to weaken it, change it, ignore it, or disbelieve.”
Continue reading →Listen closely, do you hear that sound? The train of ‘awakening’ is roaring down the tracks!
Continue reading →“You will see Me strike the earth with the lightnings of My righteous Anger and many will turn back to Me because of it!”
Continue reading →Spiritual guidance is heard like soft music in the night by those who have learned to be still and listen.
Continue reading →We saw in our last discussion that we are saved by Grace through Faith, but this entire work is the Gift of God.
Continue reading →While in our worship service this morning I was given these verses and then heard The LORD clearly speak to me.
Continue reading →The fact is, that America had lost their way and had stopped believing in God. America has left the Word of God.
Continue reading →The Wisdom of God is pure. Its purity empowers you to speak the truth in Love. It also is peaceable.
Continue reading →The race isn’t over until The LORD calls you home — but know this beloved — He is replacing your boots!
Continue reading →“Little things matter, and I will PERFECT that which concerns you, as you give ME the complete reigns of your life,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Be prepared to know the difference between what is true — and what is not.”
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