Our Signs of the Times
This breakdown of end time signs is “Right on track” with the most breaking news and facts on this October 5, 2020!
Continue reading →This breakdown of end time signs is “Right on track” with the most breaking news and facts on this October 5, 2020!
Continue reading →‘Never Trumpers’ [Democrats and NWO] are like the ones described in Revelation 9:21, who absolutely refused to change.
Continue reading →“I will honor every prayer, every petition, every desire of your heart, as you call upon Me,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“The enemy coming forth shall be as a storm. Winds will blow that he is not able to withstand. This enemy is not prepared for My FURY!”
Continue reading →The LORD said, ”My beloved soldier, what you see is just a trial. I have already given you the inheritance.”
Continue reading →“Get ready!” says The Spirit of God, ”for behold the season of increase, overflow and abundance is here.”
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