Time to Discern What Spirit We Are Following
I know you know this in your heart and you don’t like it, but we have to take a stand for The Gospel! The true Gospel!
Continue reading →I know you know this in your heart and you don’t like it, but we have to take a stand for The Gospel! The true Gospel!
Continue reading →Last night I had a dream in which there were several loaves of bread. All this bread looked normal and was aligned side by side.
Continue reading →“I never sent them to discredit you or keep you in condemnation, fear, doubt, and unbelief. They do not know you as I do, and their sight is narrow and distorted.”
Continue reading →Lao authorities continue to persecute and arrest believers on flimsy charges with reports of officials twisting issues to make Christians look bad.
Continue reading →I decree and declare the blessings of the Lord/ Adonai upon this Nation and President Trump’s Administration as WE BLESS ISRAEL!
Continue reading →The LORD said, “Do not say to them, “You must get clean before you come.” No! Do not destroy what I have already done in them!”
Continue reading →The LORD has given you a certain glow, that is causing you to stand out from the rest.
Continue reading →The moment we receive Jesus, we are baptized into Him. We put on Christ. We become hidden in Him.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Tell them that I AM coming soon to collect them. Tell them I have not left or forsaken them, though it might feel like that sometimes.”
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