Keep Yourself In The Love of God
In whatever situation, woeful or wonderful, to live well in this life you have to keep yourself in The Love of God.
Continue reading →In whatever situation, woeful or wonderful, to live well in this life you have to keep yourself in The Love of God.
Continue reading →This is the final study we will do in Hebrews, and I believe The LORD Jesus wants to bring everything together for us….
Continue reading →The LORD warns, “My Angels are set upon the corners of your land. They are there ready to usher in judgment upon the land.”
Continue reading →“I will not hold anything against you, but will empower you to overcome, as I stand alongside of you to help you at all times,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I heard, “You are His Hidden Gem, His Jewel about to be revealed; The Bride has become a RING BEARER.”
Continue reading →It does not matter what is their perception of you. All they have thought of you, will fall to the ground.
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