Sudden, Unexpected Blessings
“My Hands secure you, and My Hands that have created you for purpose, and positioned you in My Kingdom that is without end, will bless you,” says The LORD
Continue reading →“My Hands secure you, and My Hands that have created you for purpose, and positioned you in My Kingdom that is without end, will bless you,” says The LORD
Continue reading →This morning in prayer, The LORD is speaking to His people that we must get into His presence!
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Yes, I AM ready to perform My Word in the earth, but I AM calling on My people to see clearly and to see past their fears!”
Continue reading →“Do you not understand when I see My children, acting like Me, being like Me, thinking like Me, loving like Me all heaven is at your avail?”
Continue reading →We are entering the Days of Awe — Rosh Hashanah September 18–20 and Yom Kippur, September 27–28, 2020.
Continue reading →Yes, we are overcoming. It is a moment to hang in and hang on to The Cross. Just keep waiting, help is on the way.
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