The Kiss of the Son and Revival
I saw the United States, like a map. And I saw a Heart beating. It was in the midst of the states and the beats moved outward in red “waves.”
Continue reading →I saw the United States, like a map. And I saw a Heart beating. It was in the midst of the states and the beats moved outward in red “waves.”
Continue reading →It’s so important for you to know that you can hear God — even in the noisy storm of the coronavirus pandemic.
Continue reading →Just keep looking to Jesus as your portion. The warfare is tough but it is all because we are already claiming the territory.
Continue reading →There are many things Written in The Word, concerning future events, that I would rather not happen.
Continue reading →I heard The LORD Say, “Remember the 11th hour! Remember, the 11th hour it is the darkest hour before day. It is the hour of GRACE.”
Continue reading →I am hearing the name Kara or Carrie. I heard The LORD say, “Don’t give up now.” He loves you!
Continue reading →“The clay pot has been shattered on the threshold of your nation, even at your capital. War, famine, floods and fire will be upon your land, O America!”
Continue reading →“I AM your defense,” says The LORD. “I AM your covering. I AM your shield. I AM your protector.”
Continue reading →The LORD asks, “You, those who live in this land, let me ask you a question? Are you ready for the next few years?”
Continue reading →I heard the word, ‘RELEASE’ and saw a horse being loose from its stall. It was jumped and kicked up its heels, so happy to be set free!
Continue reading →The LORD says, “The Hand of God has moved on the earth. I say now to all who have ears to hear what The Voice of God speaks this hour.”
Continue reading →The Holy Spirit has taught throughout Scripture that perseverance and persistence in prayer get God to rise to meet our need.
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