The Rise of the Body and the Bull
The LORD says, “Watch what happens when those cities rise again and, in their anger and frustration, they shall make their voices known!”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Watch what happens when those cities rise again and, in their anger and frustration, they shall make their voices known!”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “The house motivated by fear is on fire, and I shall cause a leak in this old building and the frames shall fall one by one.”
Continue reading →Sometimes we think, “Well, the other person knows I am grateful. Why make a big deal about it?” But the other person does NOT know!
Continue reading →America: Watch and Pray! For the spirit of Haman lurks in the shadows, and the spirit of Jezebel seeks to rule!
Continue reading →“Be filled with My Spirit, clothed with My presence, and surrounded by the light of My glory,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD is saying: “I have seen your ways and I will heal you. There is nothing hidden from Me.”
Continue reading →The LORD said, “I AM backing up time, pushing it back so that My Word may come forth.”
Continue reading →“Do not grieve, My Child. Do not be fearful or anxious. I AM still God over all. Do not grieve, for the JOY of The LORD is your strength.”
Continue reading →There is a spiritual awakening happening. God is releasing deeper Revelation of Himself which many are holding unto and navigating these times.
Continue reading →Exposure! Exposure! It is the time of the great revealing! The time of revealing the hearts of man and the heart of God.
Continue reading →“Be content with who you are, where you are, what you have, and what your purpose in Me is,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“From one day to the next, this world is unraveling. For those things that have been written down in My Word are coming,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD, He spoke to me that many folks are still driven by what people think; instead of relying upon what God reveals to them what The Kingdom of God is about.
Continue reading →Those who are praying, know what they are praying for and what they are praying against.
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