The Presents of My Presence Are Awaiting You!
“You have overcome this last season and now My Presence is coming to you and my reward is coming to give you New presents of My Presence!”
Continue reading →“You have overcome this last season and now My Presence is coming to you and my reward is coming to give you New presents of My Presence!”
Continue reading →Can you feel something stirring in the spiritual atmosphere? Big heavenly events are coming up!
Continue reading →The LORD said, “In the same way you, My Children, are MY FIRST RESPONDERS in this world. Now is the time of your COMMISSIONING!”
Continue reading →What does The Bible say about our Role in Government? If you are a Christian, your are not bound to obey laws that violate God’s moral and righteous standards.
Continue reading →In October of 2019, The LORD gave me a prophetic word titled “The Roaring 20’s.” The Holy Spirit showed me that we were coming into a great revival in this decade.
Continue reading →If we are to look at how things are going to come into formation for the fulfillment of God’s Word, it is clearly not possible to discern at the moment.
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