Growing in Spiritual Authority
It’s an uneasy time right now, but I want you to be able to say, “I’m blessed in the mess.”
Continue reading →It’s an uneasy time right now, but I want you to be able to say, “I’m blessed in the mess.”
Continue reading →“Look not at the chaos, nor the destruction that wasted at noon day but, keep your eyes firmly fixed upon Me and what My Word has declared,” saith The LORD.
Continue reading →A lot of people have broken through. There is a tremendous amount of God’s power in and through us to which many are experience right now.
Continue reading →For they that wait upon The LORD will renew their strength. What the Holy Spirit is showing you will cause your physical strength to increase in you.
Continue reading →I hear The Spirit say, “Beloved, why do you fear and fret about the future? Why is your heart so heavy?”
Continue reading →Any person. and Jesus means anybody who wants to do anything for God, must: Abide in Him!
Continue reading →Everything in The Kingdom of God is opposite from the world’s viewpoints and standards.
Continue reading →“I AM with you in the good times, the bad times, and all times. I will never forsake you, and you will never need to feel lonely again,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Weep not, Beloved. Why so cast down, My Child? The Lion of Judah has prevailed! Why are you so disquieted with your soul? says The LORD.
Continue reading →Fight with The Cross, The Four Dimensions of The Cross (The Fullness of The Cross) against, against, against, against the four ranks of the enemy.
Continue reading →I believe this dream speaks of a divine visitation of God’s Glory and the restoration of ‘One Nation under God’!
Continue reading →“Right now you are as a sheep among wolves, ravenous wolves, who long to steal your identity. Your identity is in Me,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The revelation of The LORD is rising. There is increased angelic activities with downloads of strategies for those rising.
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