There is Healing in Your Tears
Yes, there is healing in your tears. As you cry out to Him, He is doing a deep work within your heart.
Continue reading →Yes, there is healing in your tears. As you cry out to Him, He is doing a deep work within your heart.
Continue reading →This morning at 3 am, The LORD woke me up and said, “Get up, I have a Word for you!”
Continue reading →The LORD is still powerfully speaking. Hear the word of The LORD! Please take heed!
Continue reading →“Don’t say that the days of miracles are over, and the good old days are better than what lies ahead,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →President Trump’s announcement of a National Garden of Heroes is certainly no coincidence and confirms many aspects of a dream I recently shared.
Continue reading →There is something about The Peace of God. If we understand The Peace of God, we will always be led by God and rest will be our result.
Continue reading →When you carry the Father’s Heart, you can literally start feeling the pain and ache of another person.
Continue reading →I would like to share a beautiful – for me anyway – Revelation that The LORD just Shared with me, and He wanted It shared with you.
Continue reading →There are those who truly hurt. There are also those who hurt others and think nothing of it.
Continue reading →“It is Not over,” says The LORD. “Just wait and see! I’m not finished with you yet!”
Continue reading →From the beginning of President Trumps presidency, the left-wing liberals have not wanted us to celebrate our victory!
Continue reading →There is a surge of Joy and peace coming out from the manifestation of the life of Christ in many hearts.
Continue reading →The LORD said, “A Fire is coming that will put a halt to man’s plan for survival. The way man thinks does not always line up with My Word.”
Continue reading →It was one of those joyfully immersive dreams. I woke up from it singing and swimming in joy.
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