It’s Time… Destiny’s Clock is Ticking!
I hear The Spirit say, “Beloved, why do you fear and fret about the future? Why is your heart so heavy?”
Continue reading →I hear The Spirit say, “Beloved, why do you fear and fret about the future? Why is your heart so heavy?”
Continue reading →Any person. and Jesus means anybody who wants to do anything for God, must: Abide in Him!
Continue reading →Everything in The Kingdom of God is opposite from the world’s viewpoints and standards.
Continue reading →“I AM with you in the good times, the bad times, and all times. I will never forsake you, and you will never need to feel lonely again,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“Weep not, Beloved. Why so cast down, My Child? The Lion of Judah has prevailed! Why are you so disquieted with your soul? says The LORD.
Continue reading →Fight with The Cross, The Four Dimensions of The Cross (The Fullness of The Cross) against, against, against, against the four ranks of the enemy.
Continue reading →I believe this dream speaks of a divine visitation of God’s Glory and the restoration of ‘One Nation under God’!
Continue reading →“Right now you are as a sheep among wolves, ravenous wolves, who long to steal your identity. Your identity is in Me,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The revelation of The LORD is rising. There is increased angelic activities with downloads of strategies for those rising.
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