Your Comforter Cares
“I will wipe your tears away and bring you into a quiet peace, as you lean upon Me and pour out your heart onto ME,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →“I will wipe your tears away and bring you into a quiet peace, as you lean upon Me and pour out your heart onto ME,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →I had a dream where I was sitting in a High School class room. The students were apathetic and the teacher never showed up.
Continue reading →The separation between natural and supernatural, between heaven and earth, is becoming very thin – so that many can be saved in these last days.
Continue reading →The dream is obviously a serious one. It reveals that a nuclear bomb could be fired or detonated somewhere in the world in the coming years.
Continue reading →The Glory of God is piercing the darkness. Truly it looks dark but if you can see through The Word there is cloud of abundance appearing upon us.
Continue reading →“My Grace is more than you could ever expect, more than you can imagine, and always sufficient and abundant for you as you receive it,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD asks, “Where is the repentance? Why am I not hearing WAILING and CRYING among My People for this country?”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “The Hand of God speaks and make all things clear, all things. Nothing is hidden but openly seen and understood.”
Continue reading →Resurrection life, is being held out by, the ever opening, wide spread hands, of Christ.
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