Prepare for The Separation
The LORD says, “I will strengthen you all the more in the days ahead as you have need of Me, and I will not leave you nor forsake you.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I will strengthen you all the more in the days ahead as you have need of Me, and I will not leave you nor forsake you.”
Continue reading →“You must walk as the men of old walked. For in these days your faith will become more and more important.”
Continue reading →I offer this Vision and Word to intercessors for further revelation from the Holy Spirit, as the United Kingdom will be affected.
Continue reading →“Out with the old!” says The LORD. “For the former things are passed away. Look. I make all things new. For the beginning is not the end.”
Continue reading →I heard, “Your paths are dripping with abundance,” and I saw The Dew of Heaven flowing from the Throne of Grace on the Mountain of God.
Continue reading →I have have been hearing The Voice of The Father say, “I have brought many to a dead-end street, to capture their full attention.”
Continue reading →Heaven has declared the victory, the push is on. The victory is appearing, even though it is tough, his coming forth is as certain as the morning.
Continue reading →The LORD has been speaking over the last few months about the enemy stationed in the water, doing diabolical things, and planning attacks.
Continue reading →He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
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