Prayer and Praying with Understanding
Brothers and sisters in The LORD, what we need is more Prayer, and Praying with Understanding.
Continue reading →Brothers and sisters in The LORD, what we need is more Prayer, and Praying with Understanding.
Continue reading →Many believers – their faith has been shaken by what they are listening to in the media and they are no longer walking in the plans and purposes of God.
Continue reading →I was teaching and speaking by Faith and one day I was standing there proclaiming, while I was shaking in my boots thinking “God – this had better work!”
Continue reading →Before I wrote this Word, I heard The LORD speaking about how important it is to receive revelation knowledge of His Word [the Holy Bible].
Continue reading →“Don’t seek for the things that are fleeting and will perish with time and use, but seek Me,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Here I talk more about the prophetic word of “7 days, 7 weeks and 7 months from Pentecost” and the Gate of Joy that is opening on July 19, 2020.
Continue reading →If WE don’t repent as The Church and as A Nation, layer by layer of rising tide shall overtake us and we shall see the collapse of a nation that forgot God.
Continue reading →Just as in the days of Zechariah when things were difficult, some who could hear the voice of The LORD amidst the chaos.
Continue reading →“Nation shall rise against nation; ungodly men shall arise from the sea. The sea roars with evil, but My Hand shall keep the sea at bay.”
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