Do You Have the Faith of Abraham?
The LORD asks, “Do you have the faith to walk as I walked upon this earth? Can you walk ahead not knowing where the next step will take you?”
Continue reading →The LORD asks, “Do you have the faith to walk as I walked upon this earth? Can you walk ahead not knowing where the next step will take you?”
Continue reading →The Word of The LORD says: “You have an unction from the Holy One, and you know ALL things.”
Continue reading →“Be as I AM, on task, on time, and doing everything that I have assigned you to do with all your might,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Today, I heard this over and over in my spirit, “New beginnings! New beginnings! It is the season of New Beginnings!”
Continue reading →A great light has come upon us! A great and effectual door is opened which is the reason for the resistance.
Continue reading →Don’t look to man for comfort and validation. Look to God, because your answer isn’t found when you regretfully rehash all the events in your life!
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