You are His Night Hawks
The LORD says, “Beloved. Don’t wonder why you are different, My Child. You are My Night Hawks.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Beloved. Don’t wonder why you are different, My Child. You are My Night Hawks.”
Continue reading →The LORD says of England, and The UK, “I say to you beloved, it’s time to rally the troops, to awaken the mighty warriors for a battle waits at the gates!”
Continue reading →The Gospel is a simple message. What makes The Gospel hard to believe is its simplicity. it is too simple and so too good to be true.
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Continue reading →The past few weeks through all the pandemonium and pandemics in our country I’ve noticed that people have been desperately seeking A Word from God.
Continue reading →The Holy Spirit says, “My Sons and Daughters. Be with Me for I AM very well pleased with you. I care very much for you and I Love you with all of My Heart.”
Continue reading →Are not we all, The Ekklesia of Christ, waiting in the great anticipation for The Second Coming of Christ!?
Continue reading →A lot is happening in us, there is an unusual door of victory which has been opened to us.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “There are moments in deep worship where I bring you to gaze upon My Loveliness.”
Continue reading →“You cannot earn My Favor, but you can depend upon My Grace for you and those you love, as you trust in Me rather than yourself,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Have you ever gone through a season of life when nothing seems to be working for you?
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