He is Coming as a Great Light and a Fresh Fire
The LORD says, “I AM coming as a great Light and a fresh Fire flowing as a fountain to all who have kept their flames lit.”
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I AM coming as a great Light and a fresh Fire flowing as a fountain to all who have kept their flames lit.”
Continue reading →Where are the prophets of The LORD who will lead and mentor others to fit in their shoes and outgrow them?
Continue reading →A painter sees the world in color; a sculptor in form; a musician “sees” the world in sound; and an economist in goods or products that are marketable.
Continue reading →“Look, I AM standing at the door of your heart and life and gently knocking,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Beloved. Do not be discouraged. Do not be afraid. I have declared that winter is past and the time of singing has come.”
Continue reading →“I speak to politicians who stand for right, help is on the way. The Government is upon My Shoulders and I will carry the burden of this nation.”
Continue reading →There are so many in this hour who feel as though the long road they are on, in never ending.
Continue reading →We are already in a new day, even though it is looking like we are in a low state of things. This is the moment of God.
Continue reading →We must pull ourselves away from looking and listening to Media reports of giants in the land. These reports are captivating us and inspiring fear in us to doubt.
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