Daily Archives: June 5, 2020
The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail
The United States of America seemed to be divided and thrown into a state of anarchy.
Continue reading →Receive God’s Grace
“It is My poured out offering onto you as you receive it by your faith and trust in Me. You will not be cast out as you come to Me,” sat The LORD.
Continue reading →Chaos — Overcome by Bright Waves of His Glory!
The Fullness of Israel Cometh!
I believe, as the Jews are obviously being gathered by God from all the ends of the earth that we are on the very threshold of these Biblical end times happenings.
Continue reading →America: The Time for Destruction Has Not Yet Come!
I felt impressed to share this poignant dream with those of you who are standing in the gap for President Donald J. Trump in this hour.
Continue reading →Things Are Going to Work Differently!
Even though The LORD is stirring us up to awake, to rise and take the land, He also desires that we do it from a place of resting in Him.
Continue reading →Let the Prophets Pray
We, the people of God, having all “Kingdom Dominion Rights and Citizenship,” come to bombard Heaven with The Word of God.
Continue reading →Like a Gentle Breeze
Sometimes The Holy Spirit is like a gentle breeze. At other times He is like a mighty, rushing wind.
Continue reading →The Momentum is Powerful — More Than Sufficient!
The LORD says, “Can a mother forget her nursing child? Neither have I forgotten you.”
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