Only Hope Remained for Man
The Greek legend about Pandora’s box talks about how Pandora was given a box, but that she was not ever allowed to open it.
Continue reading →The Greek legend about Pandora’s box talks about how Pandora was given a box, but that she was not ever allowed to open it.
Continue reading →“I welcome your questions,” says The LORD. “You can ask Me anything that you want to and share every need with Me that you have.”
Continue reading →We have encountered many giants in our land and The LORD is calling to your remembrance that you are “giant-slayers”!
Continue reading →I saw the Angels pouring out the Oil of Joy upon God’s People and it was ON FIRE with the very Flame of Yahweh.
Continue reading →The time is now upon the earth to confess Jesus Christ, in the forgiveness of your sins as your Lord and Savior.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “Sons of God, arise from your place of slumber and your apathy. Arise with healing in your wings.”
Continue reading →It is quite a blessing to discover that right from the womb, God choose you and ordained you for a particular purpose.
Continue reading →Don’t be conformed to your old ways. Be ready to be dispatched whenever The Holy Spirit says go!
Continue reading →“This is a Word My People must understand. If I tell you to walk on a bed of roses, this will be easy task. But if I tell you to walk upon serpents, this will be difficult.”
Continue reading →The LORD said, “This is My Church, My Body of Believers in the days ahead. Filled with My Presence to overflowing!”
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