Heal Their Land
This is not the time for preaching. Most of us have heard enough preaching to last us for years to come.
Continue reading →This is not the time for preaching. Most of us have heard enough preaching to last us for years to come.
Continue reading →I heard, “God is singing over us” and “This will be a season of “ANDs”, MULTIPLICATION and ADDITION and not division and subtraction!”
Continue reading →We, The Ekklesia, are embarking on one of the greatest adventures in God that has ever been attempted in human history.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “My People will not be silenced from prophesying and speaking My Word to the nations.”
Continue reading →One of the reasons this website was created was to help Christians follow Jesus as they prepare for His coming.
Continue reading →The LORD said, “Say to Zion, ‘My Mercy is poured out on you for the Glory to be manifested through you!'”
Continue reading →Religion and politics contain systems of thought that are distributed into the world through voice either spoken or written.
Continue reading →I hear the mouth of the Lion roaring in your dominion. Hear with me all that I hear. The LORD is speaking from His Throne Room.
Continue reading →“Be of good cheer,” says The LORD, “for even though the world is racing towards judgment I AM with those who have put their faith and trust in Me.”
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