Alive With The Intent
If The Spirit of The LORD dwells in you, is there ever a time in your life when there is no opportunity to hear His Voice?
Continue reading →If The Spirit of The LORD dwells in you, is there ever a time in your life when there is no opportunity to hear His Voice?
Continue reading →People absolutely know when you are tolerating them and their “lesser spirituality and smartness” about God’s ways of dealing with their issues.
Continue reading →The LORD said, “And this Pentecost, I AM going to begin to pour out My Spirit upon all flesh!”
Continue reading →“I AM NOT bound, and I have set you free. I can do all things, and so can you, as you tap into My unlimited power, and walk in My SPIRIT rather than yourself.”
Continue reading →The clear Bible teaching will prove that the apostasy is a falling away from The Word of God and revealed truth.
Continue reading →“Hush, My Child. I have not forgotten you. I have inscribed you on the Palms of My hands. Rest in Me until I make your enemies My Footstool.”
Continue reading →We all must learn how to let go of anything that is keeping us bound from moving to our future when we are in limbo in the midst of two places.
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