Yes, This is the Beginning of the End
The LORD said, “This is the beginning of the end. Be careful of those who think they know what is going on. For there are many deceivers now.”
Continue reading →The LORD said, “This is the beginning of the end. Be careful of those who think they know what is going on. For there are many deceivers now.”
Continue reading →As I was meditating upon The LORD, He spoke to me how that many who are in ministry, have hundreds of people following them.
Continue reading →I felt so strongly to do a call of repentance for the prodigals and locking our shields of faith for them and all that you may be facing as well as our nation.
Continue reading →“I will refresh you, revitalize you, revive you, restore you and renew you as you come into My presence and receive a refilling of My Holy Spirit.”
Continue reading →The LORD said, “Just as in the days of Jeremiah, My Prophets have cried out to you and have delivered Word after Word from Me, yet you listen not.”
Continue reading →The coronavirus is a storm that will blow over. It might take a little time to get things back on track, but it’s not a permanent situation.
Continue reading →The Hand of The LORD thy God now have moved. I say, The Hand of God is in everything now in the world, and is made known.
Continue reading →“From His side flowed two rivers, one that carries Resurrection Power and one that carries Cleansing Power…!”
Continue reading →The Holy Spirit will no longer be found in our plans or in our organizings and those who are called as Sons will be found in His Plans!
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