Restitution means the restoration of something stolen or lost back to the proper owner.
Continue reading →Restitution means the restoration of something stolen or lost back to the proper owner.
Continue reading →Have I not said that the beast will arise and he will deceive many, and that if possible he will deceive even the elect?
Continue reading →I decree and declare, though a man’s ways are pure in his own eyes, the Lord/ Adonai WEIGHS THE MOTIVES.
Continue reading →The Word of The LORD has come this hour. “I AM a rewarder for them who seek after Me and are obedient.”
Continue reading →“I came to deliver you, liberate you, save you, heal you, revive you, empower you and give you abundant life in Me,” says The LORD.
Continue reading →Why was it so difficult for King Saul to make room for David to come into his kingdom and to function in his Anointing?
Continue reading →One of THE MOST difficult realities of life is that we will face pain, and at times, intense suffering.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “When the prince of darkness comes in, like a flood, the King of Glory shall raise up a standard against him.”
Continue reading →On the 29th of January, 2020, I received a message about the PEACE AGREEMENT and the DIVIDING OF ISRAEL.
Continue reading →Whatever is not holy, acceptable to God, drive it out! Whip the illegal actors out of The Temple of God, of your body, of your life.
Continue reading →The LORD says, “I AM not a waster or a destroyer, I fulfill and complete everything that I start. “
Continue reading →Th LORD got my attention when He said, “Take heed how you hear! Open up your heart!”
Continue reading →I hear Him say this morning, “Peace be still. Walk in peace. Leave things to Me, don’t burden yourself.”
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